

An Evolving Intelligent and Digital Surgical Environment

Surgical procedures are one of the key practices of the healthcare industry. In the year 2018, the healthcare industry was said to record 354.3 million surgical procedures. Despite being such an essential component of healthcare framework, surgical environments persist to work in silos and lack effective integration between the preliminary components. According to a study conducted by the National Health Service (NHS) in the U.K., the inefficiency of operating environments resulted in a deficit of 291,327 operations in 2019. Further, the study also discussed that the surgical cases with waiting time of more than six months witnessed approximately 48% rise in one year to reach 527,677, in 2018. The growing incidence of surgical errors is increasing the requirement of technological advancement in surgical environments. Currently, one in every 44 surgical procedures performed globally, is seen to be a surgical error.

The following are the major challenges weakening the efficiency of surgical environments:

• Lack of integrated network enabling the flow of vital information between the preliminary components of operating theater (OT)

• Shortage of automation in significant components of the surgical environment

• Deficiency of visualization technologies which can enable integrated intra-operative imaging

• Absence of algorithms supporting intra-operative decision making

Hence, there arises a compelling need for incorporation of futuristic technologies, which can transform surgical environments. The advent of the digital revolution has resulted in a dynamic shift in the healthcare value chain. The contemporary healthcare industry, specifically surgical environments, is witnessing a shift from labor-intensive to digital-driven and robotics-enabled model. The incorporation of emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR), holographic imaging, artificial intelligence (AI) and, internet of medical things (IoMT) would enable next-generation surgical environment, delivering value-based precision care.

The following whitepaper attempts to:

• Identify the current challenges faced by contemporary surgical environments

• Identify and evaluate the benefits associated with the incorporation of above-mentioned technologies in existing surgical workflows

• Provide a view of likely future surgical environments


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